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Library Trustee Minutes 04/12/10
James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim NH 03440
Board of Trustees Meeting
Date: April 12, 2010
Present:  Margaret Warner (Chair), (Treasurer), Ron Haggett, Colleen Giffin (Sec.), Kathryn Chisholm, Molly Lazar

I.      Attendance
II.     Election of Officers: Margaret Warner: Chair person, Ron Haggett: Treasurer, Molly Lazar: Secretary

III.    Agenda approved
IV.     Minutes
Minutes of 3/08/10 meeting were approved
V.      Treasurer’s report
·       Library bills are being paid by the town and are up to date
·       Library staff substitute has been hired
·       United Way has had several donations made through the organization, by patrons, to the Tuttle Library
Treasurers report: presented and accepted
VI.     Library Director’s report
·       TIF fund should have the money in it to finish the portico
·       May will be Train month at the library
Director’s report presented and accepted
               Director’s to do list:
VII.    Information items
·       Friends of the Library
§       Made $24.00 on Easter basket raffle
§       Watch for cool Christmas raffle
§       Would like to do some plantings around the stairs of the library
·       Galen Stearns will be attending our next meeting
VIII.   Old Business
·       Review Library policy in June
IX.     New Business  
·       Board voted to buy three new computers; two new patron computers, one new staff computer. Both will have 3 year warranties.  The money for these will be taken from Library Trust fund
·       The old patron computer will be available for patrons to use as a word processor

Next meeting of Library Board of Trustees:   Monday May 10, 2009